European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Round Table

European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Round Table

Rafael Clavijo

Founder, Parque Ecológico Mundo Amazónico (Colombia)

Rafael Clavijo is the Founder and General Manager of the Mundo Amazónico Ecological Park, a private natural reserve located in the Colombian Amazon. Since its establishment in 2010, it has emerged as the first and only environmental education center in the municipality of Leticia at the Colombian Amazon.

With training in sustainable development and a Master’s Degree in Marketing Management, his expertise lies in the fields of advertising, marketing, and sustainable tourism. Over the years, he has actively represented the productive sector on various government committees, utilizing his knowledge to contribute to policy-making and decision-making processes. Additionally, he has had the privilege of sharing his insights as a speaker at fairs, forums, and business meetings, shedding light on critical topics such as Amazonian issues, sustainable tourism, entrepreneurship, environmental education, and successful experiences in the Colombian Amazon.

Through his involvement in exploratory missions to countries like Bolivia, Ecuador, and Costa Rica, as well as numerous cities across Colombia, he has gained valuable international exposure and a comprehensive understanding of sustainable tourism development in the Amazonian region. He has also been actively engaged in business roundtables, fostering collaboration to strengthen the sustainable tourism sector in the Colombian Amazon region.

EU-LAC Business Round Table

Brussels, Belgium – 17 July 2023