European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Round Table

European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Round Table

Andrés Rebolledo Smitmans

Executive Secretary, Latin AmericaEnergy Organization (OLADE)

Since the beginning of 2023, he has held the position of Executive Secretary of the Latin American Energy Organization for the period 2023-2025, a position elected at the LII Meeting of Energy Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean, held in December 2022, and in compliance with the provisions of the Lima Agreement.

With an outstanding professional career of more than 30 years, Andrés Rebolledo Smitmans has held various technical leadership and political positions in the energy sector, international economic relations and multilateral organizations.

An economist from the University of Chile, Andrés Rebolledo Smitmans served as Chile’s Minister of Energy in 2016-2018 and as President of Chile’s National Oil Company.

He has also worked as Vice Minister of International Economic Relations of Chile, Ambassador to Uruguay, Representative to ALADI and consultant to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and other organizations.

During his tenure as Minister, he implemented a major transformation of Chile’s energy sector with the massive incorporation of non-conventional renewable energies that promoted a cleaner energy matrix and a more efficient and competitive sector. Such transformation was carried out within the framework of a participatory process involving all relevant stakeholders in the sector, which also made it possible to develop a regulatory framework to promote electromobility and introduce new technologies and energy sources, such as green hydrogen.

In the academic field, he has taught at several universities in his country, especially in postgraduate programs, and was Dean of the School of Business and Administration at Universidad SEK in Chile during the period 2020-2022.

EU-LAC Business Round Table

Brussels, Belgium – 17 July 2023